Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I hereby solemnly swear...

(Cross posted to LJ)
Wolf is finally living his dream of returning to the country. While I cannot claim that I dislike rural living, I can insist on retaining certain traits I was brought up with, while denouncing certain others that I have witnessed of the local populace.
Now that I'm a country girl...
  1. I will do my damnedest not to take it to heart when my good grammar and syntax offends my neighbours (I am not pompous, my mother was an English major.)
  2. I will burn some of my garbage, occasionally - not all of it, all the time.
  3. You will never hear me state that I've had 3 bottles of wine, then watch as I get into my 4X4 to drive my friend home.
  4. I will not use the verb douche when referring to tidying up my home.

I will be adding to this list as situations present themselves.


Masked Mom said...

Regarding the grammar issue: I have a good friend who told me six months after we met that when she first met me she thought I was talking "that way" to show off but then, when she got to know me better, she realized that's just the way I am. And she decided to be friends with me anyway! Imagine!

Masked Mom said...

Here's the kind of freak I am--I was just reading your blog from the bottom up, made the above comment and then got to the banner at the top where you ended with "Imagine...!" And now I'm worried that you will somehow think I am making fun of you when, in fact, I just randomly used the word at the end of my comment. :)

Beth said...

Ha ha! You've no need to worry, you see, for offense was nary an option. I have the crappiest memory ever and had forgotten almost every word in that banner by the time I hit "save."

Tell me though, if you were to look back on this whole thing, would you find it odd that you even used the word "imagine?"


nita said...

my neighbor in vermont used to burn tires. i'm not even kidding.

i'm a grammar nut but not so much with the punctuation :)

Beth said...

A month ago I would have made fake retching sounds at your tires statement. Now, I make them in all seriousness! This is in our front yard. Recognize it?