Friday, November 28, 2008

And so I decree...

I've decided to write a book.

So there!

It's been percolating for about a week and I've just put the first few sentences onto virtual paper.

It's funny. I never would have begun a venture like this six months ago. Not having a whole lot of faith in what I can do (read: I'm a perfectionist so nothing I do is quite good enough) I would have let this fall by the wayside like so many other things. A quick change in thought process - I can psycho babble my way through anything, even with myself - and I'm good to go. See, I told myself that,, just because I'm writing it, doesn't mean I ever have to look for a publisher. Reverse self-psychology!!

God I rock...


Unknown said...

Good luck with that!!

Peace - Rene

Indrayani said...

ohmygod... !! me too!! :)

Beth said...

Well, thank you Rene, lol.

Apparently I have 3 books in me as the second one began last night at bedtime.

Good luck Indrayani. I know we can, I know we can...

Beth said...

Ooh, another apparent is that I can't count!!

Heh, good morning!!!